Fresh FrozenSmokedDriedCuredPremium
The Export Company ships products from all over the world to your market. Whether the demand is for fresh, frozen or dried seafood, we will deliver by either sea or air. See our products below.
Seafood Products
Please use the links below or scroll down to product of interest.

The Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), is found in the temperate waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, and the northern Atlantic Ocean.
The Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus) is a species of fish in the tuna and mackerel family, Scombridae. This species of mackerel closely resembles the Atlantic mackerel.
Fish fat content varies from country of origin and season. During spring, the Atlantic mackerel may only have 3% fat contents, whilst in autumn it may contain as much as 30% fat.
Please note that mackerel availability varies according to fishing season, place of origin and current stock.
Sizes frozen
100-300 g / 200-500 g
Please note that other sizes may be available at request, depending on season and current stock.
Packaging and shipping
Whole round frozen in 10 or 20 kg cardboard cartons. Shipped in 40 feet reefer container, approx. 25 000 kg.
Typical fat content
8 – 30 % depending on origin. Fat content is specified in our quotations.
Countries of origin
Norway, Iceland and Japan
We provide mackerel in a variety of quality ranges and fat content, all tailor made for your demand and target market.

The farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a species of ray-finned fish in the family Salmonidae. Year round availability as the salmon is farmed from fish farms along the western coast of Norway.
The fish is normally harvested and processed when an order is placed. Available in a range of variations fresh, frozen and smoked. Please note that salmon is shipped boneless unless otherwise specified.

Sizes fresh
Fresh fillet sizes:
100 g / 200 g / 500 g / 1 kg
Fresh whole round sizes:
1-2 kg / 5 kg
Other sizes may be available at request.
Sizes frozen
Frozen fillets sizes:
100 g / 200 g / 500 g / 1 kg
Frozen whole round sizes:
1-3 kg / 4-6 kg / 6-9 kg
Other sizes may be available at request.
Available flavours and sizes smoked
Smoked fillets (standard salted):
100 g / 200 g / 500 g / 1 kg
Smoked fillets with Mexican spice:
100 g / 200 g
Smoked fillets with Herbs:
100 g / 200 g / 500 g / 1 kg
Pepper salmon:
100 g / 200 g / 500 g / 1 kg
Packaging and shipping
Vacuum packaged fresh or frozen in polystyrene boxes. Boxes normally available in sizes of 5, 10, 15 and 25 kg. Fresh products are shipped by air. Frozen products in larger quantities can be shipped by reefer container.
Product shelf life
16 days from day of production.
Up to 545 days from day of production.
Country of origin
To ensure freshness, shelf life and quality, salmon is only harvested upon order confirmation. The fish is then processed, packaged and shipped by air within two working days.
To ensure freshness, shelf life and quality, salmon is only harvested upon order confirmation. The fish is then processed, packaged and shipped by air within two working days.
To ensure freshness, shelf life and quality, salmon is only harvested upon order confirmation. The fish is then processed, packaged and shipped by air within two working days.
Salmon fillets are produced according to customer specification. All fresh salmon is vacuum packed.
Smoked salmon is a delicatessen desired and cherished around the world. Available in a variety of sizes ranging from 100 g to 1 kg. Vacuum packed and pre-sliced ready for consumption. Fresh, these products have a shelf life of 30 days. Available standard salted, with pepper, herbs and Mexican spices.

The farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is recognized by a reddish/pink stripe from the gills to the tail. The fish is in the same family as the Atlantic salmon. Rainbow trout has a reddish meat, and is well suited fried, cooked, grilled and with sushi.
Smoked trout is excellent for sandwiches and salads. As with salmon, rainbow trout has a high content of the healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. This fish is also rich in Vitamins A and D.

Sizes fresh
Fresh fillets sizes:
600-1000 g / 1000-1400 g
Sizes frozen
Frozen fillets sizes:
500 – 2000 g
Frozen whole round sizes:
1-2 kg / 3-4 kg / 5-6 kg
Other sizes may be available at request.
Packaging and shipping
Vacuum packed fresh or frozen in polystyrene boxes. Normally available in 5, 10, 15 and 20 kg boxes. Cardboard boxes available for frozen goods. Fresh products shipped by air.
Country of origin
Rainbow trout fillets are shipped individually in vacuum packaging.

Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) is a pelagic fish in the cod family. Blue whiting has a slender, silver colored body with a bluish tint on the back. This fish reaches a maximum body length of 50 cm.
Blue whiting is a tasty white fish with a fat content normally between 2-5%. It is caught using trawl and purse seine in the northern and eastern parts of the Atlantic Ocean.
Available sizes frozen
Frozen whole round sizes:
20 cm +
Other sizes may be available.
Country of origin
Packaging and shipping
Whole round frozen in boxes. Shipped in 40 feet reefer container, approx. 25 000 kg.

The North Sea herring (Clupea harengus) is a pelagic fish in the Clupeidae family. It is found in the North Sea and Skagerrak. The North Sea herring spawns in the western parts of the North Sea and south towards the English Channel. After spawning, it moves back to the North Sea.
Herring is a delicious fish supplied either fresh, salted, smoked or marinated. Herring is a good source of vitamins such as vitamin A, D and B12. The fish additionally packs a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids. Catching season is from September to March.
The Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus L) moves in large schools around fishing banks and near coastal regions. The fish breeds around the northern parts of Norway and in the Barents Sea. The fish is caught using purse seine and trawl.
The Norwegian spring spawning herring caught in the time between October – December has the highest quality in terms of superior fat content and delicious taste.
Sizes whole round
125-200 g / 200-300 g /
250+ g / 300+ g / 400+ g
Sizes fillets/flaps
Pieces per kg:
10-16 / 8-14 / 8-12 / 6-10 / 5-8 / 4-7
Packaging and shipping
Packaged in standard cartons. Net 7 kg / 20 kg. Jumble or vacuum packed.
Country of origin

Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus) is a ray-finned, pelagic fish in the herring family. The sardine has an elongated body, and is small to medium in size. The fish is found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea.
The sardines are caught by purse seine or trawl, pumped inside storage tanks aboard the trawler, and then offloaded onto trucks with insulated tanks. The core temperature of the fish never exceeds 3°C. At the processing plant, the fish is frozen to below -18°C within 48 hours of catch.
Sizes frozen in block
Pieces per kg:
6-8 pcs / 10-12 pcs / 12-14 pcs
Net weight block:
20 kg (approx.)
Product shelf life
18 months
Packaging and shipping
Carton weight:
500 g
Packaged in recycled paper carton and plastic. Typically shipped in 40 feet reefer container, approx. 25 000 kg.
Countries of origin
Morocco and Spain

Naturally dried
Stockfish is unsalted fish dried by cold air and wind on the foreshore. Cod is mainly used for this preservation method, but also saithe, haddock and tusk is used. The fish is hung on wooden racks during March, and is left to dry for approximately 3 months.
The process removes around 70% of the moisture. This method of drying fish is an old Norwegian tradition with roots all the way back to the Vikings. The process extends shelf life to several years.
Mechanically dried
In recent years, a new technique to produce dried fish has been introduced. This process, called Apama, dries the fish mechanically under controlled conditions.
This method ensures consistent quality, and speeds up the drying process considerably from 3 months to a few weeks. Apama uses the same types of fish as stockfish, but also includes salted variations.
Available variations:
Cod (Gadus morhua) stockfish is bright white in color and has a delicious, flaky appearance when cooked.
Available in the following qualities:
Dried cod is separated into Prime and Second grade.
Country of origin:
Saithe (Pollachius virens) is eaten all across Northern Europe. The fish is well suited for drying.
Typical sizes:
20-40 cm / 30-50 cm / 50-70 cm / 70+ cm
Country of origin:
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) is found in depths between 40-300 meters. The meat is delicately white in appearance.
Typical sizes:
20-40 cm / 30-50 cm / 50-70 cm / 70+ cm
Country of origin:
Tusk (Brosme Brosme) is normally found at depths of 200-500 meter. The meat has a taste reminiscent of lobster. The fish is lean with a low amount of fat.
Typical sizes:
20-40 cm / 30-50 cm / 50-70 cm / 70+ cm
Country of origin:
Packaging and shipping
Stockfish is normally packaged in 25 kg cartons or 30 kg bags depending on customer request.
Cod stockfish pictured from Lofoten, Norway. The fish is hung on wooden racks during the latter part of winter.